Spanish-language & Brazilian Portuguese resources on Palestine
Viva palestina libre! Palestina livre! Free Palestine.
As a person who exists at the intersection of Palestinian & Nicaragüense, I’ve been doing the work of educating the Latinx community about the colonization and occupation of Palestine for years.
The world — meaning the people, not their gov’ts — stands with Palestine. The Global South, in particular, sees itself in the faces and voices of the oppressed. I’ve seen so many videos in the last two years, of marches and rallies across the globe in support of a liberated Falasteen.
I often get asked questions about Spanish-language resources on Palestine, so that friends can educate their family members. If you also in search of Spanish-language and/or Brazilian Portuguese resources, here are some that I follow on instagram. This is by no means an exhaustive list.
@comunidadpalestinadechile 🇨🇱
@institutodeculturaarabeco 🇨🇴
@amnistiaEspana 🇪🇦
@palestinalibreorg 🇨🇱
@mesitadelamemoria 🇨🇴
@comitecol_pal 🇨🇴 Comité Colombiano de Solidaridad con Palestina
@asociacionsalvadorenapalestina 🇸🇻
@fepal_brasil 🇧🇷 Federação Árabe Palestina
@juventude_fepal 🇧🇷
@vozesjudaicasporlibertacao 🇧🇷
@brigadasverdadepaz 🇧🇷
@humanidadlatam 🇨🇷 Palestina para hispano parlantes
@siempreconpalestina 🇵🇦
@palestinaennicaragua 🇳🇮
palestinaencolombia 🇨🇴
ADEPAL CHILE 🇨🇱 Asociación de Entidades Palestinas 🇨🇱
palestinaenargentina 🇦🇷
conoceorienteoficial Conoce Oriente
ibraspal 🇧🇷 Instituto Brasil Palestina — IBRASPAL
federacionpalestinaperu 🇵🇪 Federación Palestina del Perú
palestinaenuruguay 🇺🇾 Embajada Palestina en Uruguay
palestinaenespana 🇪🇦 Embajada de Palestina en España 🇻🇪 Emb. Palestina en Venezuela 🇻🇪
bds_mexico 🇲🇽 BDS Boicot México
mxconpalestina 🇲🇽 MX con Palestina
🇨🇱🇵🇷🇨🇴🇳🇮🇸🇻🇲🇽🇧🇴🇧🇷🇵🇦🇵🇪🇦🇷🇺🇾🇪🇦🇻🇪 🇨🇷🇲🇽
Puerto Rican journalist Bianca Graulau has been a magnificent voice during these times.
Here she is being interviewed:
I'm not associated with any of these pages, si no te gustan pues. Then don’t follow them.
I offer this list as an additional tool you can incorporate, if you choose to.
#PalestinaLibre #vivapalestina #vivavivapalestina